. NAOMi beinq herself . /o9 ?

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About Me

the name is naomi [pronounced: na-o-mi] & i have the most amazing friends & family . i think drugs & alcohol are the stupidest things ever . like what a great way to screw up your life . but it`s your life so do whatever floats your boat . shopping is easily the most amazing thing ever invented . i don`t like being sterotyped . i believe in love , but don't completely understand it . i miss anyone , just knowing that they're not close . Muh ADDiCTiONS are [aim . textinq . computerr . partyinq . cartoons(=] i`M a kOO persOn tuh knoo . i`M reelie nicee buh i dontt take tuh bullshieT very muchh . soo if thass whaa yur bOut denn [ PeaCE it OUHT ] . i love everyonee untill they drop tht biqq drama [ bOMB ] . so puhlease keep tht tOO a [ MiNiMUM ] . iM tall so whut ! i have biq dreams & they`re qunna come truee . i`M a silly ass person in general . FACT: [ i SMiLE ALOT ! ] havinq fun iss my jOb so if i qet [ seriOus ] with youhh then knoo tht sOmethinqq is very wronqq . [ i love youu ] isnt somethinq i say easy so if i say it then tht must meann yur important . there`s a boy that has captured my heart & i don`t quite know how to tell him exactlly how i feel . he gives me those silly butterflies & i know this sounds so cliche to talk about him this way , but he really means a lot to me & i`ve fallen quite hard . when he reads this , i hope he realizes how much he really means to me . i think that`s all you need to know >.< but don`t be a creeper . msg + comment + blog ? :]
Name Naomi Chuol
Gender Female
Age 16
Location Edmonton, AB
Ethnicity Black / African
Status In a relationship


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Registered Oct 11, 2009
Last update Oct 16, 2009

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